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ISF # 1 Review by Sofia Teixeira (Portuguese Reviewer)

In Uncategorized on November 23, 2012 at 8:13 pm
ISF # 1 Fiction
Metal Can Lanters – Joyce Chng
Metal Can Lanterns is one of the sweetest stories I’ve ever read. It reminds us that there are some things that we must preserve and save in our memories so they will never die. This is a story to be read in one of those winter nights when you are staring at the fireplace and thinking about past times. It is impossible not to smile. I loved it.
59 Beads – Rochita Loenen-Ruiz
59 Beads is a sad story. When you finish reading it, you will feel upset and angry, but mostly gloomy. You only have your sister; she gets sick and you put all your effort in getting her healthy. The solution is quite simple: You basically sell your soul to the devil and she gets the treatment. However, there are no guarantees! What would you do? Give up on your freedom or let her die? It’s an interesting story, albeit the set-up is quite cliché. Still, the concept of Dollygirls was interesting enough for me to keep on reading.
Hunt Beneath the Moon – Marian Truta
Hunt beneath the Moon bring us a supernatural world. Here we meet a hunter and a supernatural creature, the Hind. Somewhere nearby is a book that prevents the Hinds from being captured by the hunters and, naturally, the Hind wants that book — however, it’s the hunter who possesses it, and he is her mortal enemy. The story starts very well and awakens the curiosity of the reader, but soon it becomes too confusing. It’s easy to get lost in the dialogue and the end of the story isn’t well executed. It may have potential, but the Greek legend should’ve been better explored.


In Uncategorized on November 23, 2012 at 7:57 pm

Dear ISF Readers,

It is with the utmost pleasure that the entire ISF Team presents to you the “ISF # 1”.

3 marvelous pieces of fiction by Joyce Chng, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz and Marian Truţă and an amazing article by Stanislaw Lem! What are you waiting for?

Wait no more, download this free Magazine and start reading it!

International Speculative Fiction # 1 – Free Download Here



ISF # 1 Review by Sara Farinha (Portuguese Author)

In News on November 23, 2012 at 7:50 pm

ISF – Fiction

‘Metal Can Lanterns’ by Joyce Chng

Using the imagery of the Mid-Autumn Festival also known as Lantern, Mooncake or Children’s Festival, Joyce Chng presents us with a short beautiful and inspirational tale. A story full of inspiring descriptions, sweet and thoughtful characters brought back from a dystopian world. In this tale children acknowledge and adapt traditions, pursue the understanding of personal meaning, and lead the way to retrieve a few lost rituals. But they do so even when they seem to have very few knowledge left. And it’s obvious that they resent the void of lost communion rituals. And to me this posed a conflict. Considering the children’s age maybe it was a little farfetched to give them such care for historical references and traditions if apparently there were very few adults able and willing to reminisce in the old ways.

Nevertheless, loved the theme and imagery and considered this short tale an inspiring piece of work that evokes the power of a simple and single act and its reach throughout mankind. Definitely what we need these days…

‘59 Beads’ by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz

A great short story full of pain and relief, sorrow and hope, disappoint and beliefs. Pyn’s self-sacrifice captivated me from the beginning. The idea of losing everything about ourselves in order to save someone’s life, specially a children’s life, is something that speaks to me in a particular way. Love the ending. Pyn keeps sacrificing everything for Sienna right to the end even when it wasn’t planned and the results are far more grave than expected. Read the rest of this entry »

ISF # 1 will be available beginning tomorrow!

In Editorial on November 22, 2012 at 12:02 pm

After our debut number in June with fiction by Aliette de BodardCristian Mihail Teodorescu and Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro, we will release tomorrow a new issue, with a cover artwork by Rafael Mendes and the following content:
Editorial by Ricardo Loureiro
“Metal Can Lanterns” by Joyce Chng
“59 Beads” by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz
“Hunt Beneath the Moon” by Marian Truţă
Non-fiction: “Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans” by Stanislaw Lem

Euro Steam Con – Porto, Portugal

In Article, Portugal on November 20, 2012 at 12:03 pm

On the last weekend of September, the Portuguese contribution to the European Steampunk convention was held in Porto. Though it was the country’s first major steampunk event, a concept unknown to the general public in Portugal, there were still about 150 visitors between both days.

The Clockwork Portugal team has been working towards this event since February with the purpose of uniting all the small communities and draw attention to a genre that internationally has been ground or motto for a lot of activities and prized works. Imbued with a punk spirit, active and idealistic, without any institutional backup or logistic support, we slowly built from scratch a dynamic community to be the main platform to divulge steampunk and launch the Euro Steam Con (ESC) in Portugal. Meanwhile and with all this in mind, we created a website where we publish reviews of steampunk books, share related news and crowdfunding projects, interview creators and organize giveaways. We also created the “Diários Steampunk”, a webseries where we talk about steampunk related themes (p.e. the steam technology) or specific works as for example the book The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. As the project grew, some publishers gave occasional support providing copies of steampunk inspired books for giveaways on our site (p.e. Presença, Saída de Emergência). Vogais publishing house provided the Leviathan trilogy books for our Steampunk Basket raffled during the convention. Read the rest of this entry »

ISF #1 Cover – November 2012

In Editorial on November 19, 2012 at 8:36 pm

Dear ISF Readers,

Here is the Cover for the ISF Magazine #1.

Our #1 will be available for free download really soon, and will feature fiction by Joyce Chng, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, Marian Truta and an article by Stanislaw Lem, so stay tuned!

Cover artist: Rafael Mendes

ISF # 1 – Teaser 1

In Editorial, Ilustration, News on November 19, 2012 at 7:13 pm

ISF # 1 – Teaser 1

First page of “Metal Can Lanterns” by Joyce Chng!
Note that it is a preliminary version and, as such, it is subject to suffer amendments before publication date.